No theory or flavor-of-the-week management fads – these tools are based on real-world experience and the wisdom gained from countless leaders from around the world.

Our story begins with Rick Vasquez, Executive Director, had his first encounter with the Lord while listening to a heavy metal rock group known as Metallica, in September 1994 realizing his need of God’s redemptive grace he renounced his former way of life and embraced Jesus Christ as his Savior.

The experience of God’s call over his life has helped him develop to an evangelistic ministry for these challenging times as he now stands as a servant leader equipping Church Planters and Leaders locally and internationally. Rick also is former Pastor of Iglesia Crosspoint Church Bellaire Texas, and staff Evangelist at West University Baptist Church, where he served for 10 years, he is well rounded in ministry experience.

A John Maxwell Certified Life Coach and Spiritual Motivator, Rick embodies Texas Evangelist Ministry and leads others to discover, develop and deploy their God given influence for the glory of God. As a change maker — he provides equipping and impactful content that transforms thinking, provokes action and cultivates purpose. Challenging people, churches, and organizations to break the boundaries of an ordinary existence. Rick will help you and or your team to find the courage to embrace momentum for evangelistic ministry.

“Rick’s life is a testimony to the grace and mercy of Jesus!  He has great capacity and skills as a leader, organizer, and speaker for ministry to the least, the last, and the lost among us.  It has been my pleasure to work with him and minister with him over the past several years.”

Mark Earley Sr.
Past President Prison Fellowship
44180 Riverside Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176
Dear Friends, "It is a privilege for me to recommend Rick Vasquez to you. I was personally challenged the first time I heard his story. God's grace reached Rick while he was in solitary confinement in prison. Now Rick extends that grace to others who feel isolated from God and without hope in their lives. Folks who would never listen to my story eagerly hear Rick tell how God delivered him from a destructive lifestyle and delivered him to life in Christ that is full of meaning and purpose."
Randel Everett
Former Executive Director
Baptist General Convention Of Texas